- CENEVAL, 2020
Mexico has one of the areas with the most precipitation anually in Latin America, averaging at 1567 mm of rain water. This area includes the southern states of Mexico, where the potable water infrastructure is low and the poverty index is high, specially in rural areas.
Water is a finite resource that has been exploited in the last decades; without having a sustainable use.
That´s why we developed a systems that has these objectives to guarantee a proper and responsible use of water:
Collect the rain by the house ceiling.
Transport the water through gutters through the leave filter to retain solids; and then to the first rain filter.
The water passes through a granular biofilter which retains particles larger than 50 microns.
Once the water has passed through the filters it proceeds to reach the water tank.
The water will be chlorinated to make it potable by using chlorine tablets.
Through a floating foot valve the superficial water, which is the cleanest of the tank, is transported for human use.
The last step of the system is to pump it using a manual pump, or the Grundfos solar pump; since in these areas there isn´t electricity grid.
It only remains to make use of the captured and chlorinated water.
We have two business plans; these options obtain different sources to maintain and keep growing the installation of systems. Both systems need an initial inversion to install the first 10 houses, keeping the maintenance of the equipment and the users training for the proper use of the system.
HAWA is the best option for the consumption of harvested rainwater, due to the eco-technology used in the biofilter, the low-cost materials, the economic accessibility for the users and the service for installation and maintenance. Providing an Integral Water Treatment in comparison to other similar systems in the market, at 64% their cost.